An author and content creator crazy enough to believe that great stories change the world

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Want to learn more about what keeps my pen moving and keyboard clicking into the wee hours?


  • "Epic fantasy at its finest!

    Justin’s unique and detailed world-building creates a beautiful background to the story that's neither forced nor awkward. His books are filled with plenty of suspense and action and will keep you reading even when you should have gone to bed hours ago. I started reading and the next thing I knew I was finished and it was three in the morning.”

  • "I loved LOVED this book!

    The story was amazing, and I quickly found myself caught up in the tale."

  • "Justin's writing has much to offer

    Sage poetry; rich, cultural prose, elegant pageantry; well-drawn characterization; heart-throbbing, gut-wrenching action. His books are a most rewarding investment of time.”