Courses and resources for authors who love to learn.
Great stories change the world. It's time to tell yours.
Years ago,
I graduated from the Creative Writing Masters program at Oxford University. But it wasn’t until hundreds of thousands of words later that I started to understand that the mysteries of “great writing” really come down to core strategies and components that we can understand and upgrade.
Story Lab courses are for anyone whose imagination is overflowing with ideas but feels frustrated by the times they've struggled to get those amazing ideas onto the page feeling just right. It's for those who want each story they write to be better than their last, constantly striving to improve their craft as they inspire and delight a growing audience of fans. It's for authors of any experience or skill level, from experienced writers looking to refine their craft to those just starting out and searching for a strong foundation to save them time, effort, and gray hairs.
Get your free Character Q&A
A full page of ice breaker questions to get to know your character on a whole new level. Goes great with the Writing Unforgettable Characters course! Click the download button below.
Why Story Lab?
No one is born good at writing.
It's easy to come up with story ideas, but the craft of writing is a SKILL just like any other artistic discipline. Great story ideas only come alive when the characters, plot, setting, and so much more are all developed into a successful whole, and learning to bring all the different aspects of great storytelling onto the page can take years.
In the early stages the frustration caused by the gap between your inspiration and your ability to write it well can be extremely discouraging, making it hard to keep sitting back down to write again and again as you practice and develop. Thankfully, while there's no substitute for actual writing time, a good foundation that explains and coheres all of the fragmented skills and components of a story into one organized whole can save you years of trial, error, and headache along the way.
The Story Lab strives to do exactly that.
Want to take a class for free?
You can get a 30-day free trial of Skillshare using this link. It’s a great way to check out the Writing Unforgettable Characters course, and get access to a ton of fun and interesting courses on everything from writing to music to marketing.
Here’s what is coming up…
The first course on Writing Unforgettable Characters is available now!
The Story Lab course on Crafting Compelling Plot is newly released! Click here to check it out.
The course on Have a Blast World Building is coming mid 2023.
The course on Syle, the fourth area of writing foundation, will release in mid 2023.